GREATMINDS™ is an outreach to encourage young women to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) through its community programs.
DFW*ATW launched the GREATMINDS™ initiative ten years ago as a step to fulfill its mission of encouraging women and girls to enter technology fields. The GREATMINDS™ Program bridges the gap between industry and schools (students, educators and parents) by establishing community programs and groups focused on reaching out to young girls. The programs under this initiative have included one day events, camps and scholarships.

Studies have shown that as girls get more interested in STEM fields throughout their youth, they are more likely to pursue careers that use STEM to solve today’s challenges. Through our GREATMINDSTM programs, we expose young girls to women that have pursued STEM careers and encourage them to be interested in “cool” technology fields. GREATMINDSTM provides a great place for them to start!